Cholera: Precautionary Measure Needed In Imo To Stem Outbreak

Many states in Nigeria are  reported to have been hit  by Outbreak of cholera  in recent time.

Over fifty one deaths have already been reported in Lagos State in particular, with several dozens of suspected cases reported across the nation.

It  has equally been reported that the particular strain of Cholera ravaging the country currently is lethal; the reason governments at all levels should be vigilant and proactive in this regard.

There are equally reported dearth of the cholera vaccine to deal with the disease.

Presently, the National Centre for Disease Control, NCDC, has reportedly placed a number of states on the alert.

Therefore, given the rate at which the disease is reportedly spreading at the moment; and considering also the alert coming from the NCDC, it is important for all state governments to take precautionary measures.

It is our thinking to urge the Imo State Government and the  Ministry of Health to make adequate plans to contain the disease in case the undesirable happens.

On their own part, Imolites should up the ante in terms of hygiene.

More importantly, the relevant federal and state government agencies should intensify efforts to screen water and food products being sold to the public.

More attention should be on locally processed foods and drinks like tiger nut drink, zobo, African salad (Abacha), Moi Moi (made from beans), Okpa, food items sold by  local vendors, among others.

It has therefore becomes pertinent for Imo Government and state governments to go a step further in clamping down on those preparing and selling food on top of drainages (gutter) as such may create room  for infections and disease outbreak at the grassroots.

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